Ever feel like this zebra?
Want to feel better?
If you're feeling tired and lacking in energy and you haven't been doing anything physically taxing, it's time to ask yourself whether the answer isn't to crawl into bed and pull the covers over, but to GET UP and DO SOMETHING!
The fastest way I know to gain energy is to play my favourite dance track and bop around the room for 5 minutes. It automatically switches off my brain and, by engaging my muscles instead, helps to eliminate toxins in the body that can make me feel sluggish and releases endorphins (those feel-good hormones) to help me feel happier. A bonus is that it also helps me to think more clearly when I have to switch the brain on again. Exercise doesn't have to take long - any movement is better than none!
Having said that, simply moving around more in our daily lives will also help our overall health a lot. For women especially, being on our feet for at least 4 hours a day will help stave off the possibility of developing osteoporosis after the menopause. Extending our normal range of movement is even better, which is why dancing can be so good for us. If you think you "can't dance", try a Dance Journey class - you might just surprise yourself!
So if you're feeling more like a zonked zebra than a bouncing Tigger, treat yourself to a 5-minute "exercise break" - walk around the office (or go and see your colleague in person rather than email them!), pop out to the corner shop on an errand, try balancing on tiptoes while waiting for the kettle to boil for your next cuppa, or have a mad dance around the living room - with or without music! Have fun :-)
Want to feel better?
If you're feeling tired and lacking in energy and you haven't been doing anything physically taxing, it's time to ask yourself whether the answer isn't to crawl into bed and pull the covers over, but to GET UP and DO SOMETHING!
The fastest way I know to gain energy is to play my favourite dance track and bop around the room for 5 minutes. It automatically switches off my brain and, by engaging my muscles instead, helps to eliminate toxins in the body that can make me feel sluggish and releases endorphins (those feel-good hormones) to help me feel happier. A bonus is that it also helps me to think more clearly when I have to switch the brain on again. Exercise doesn't have to take long - any movement is better than none!
Having said that, simply moving around more in our daily lives will also help our overall health a lot. For women especially, being on our feet for at least 4 hours a day will help stave off the possibility of developing osteoporosis after the menopause. Extending our normal range of movement is even better, which is why dancing can be so good for us. If you think you "can't dance", try a Dance Journey class - you might just surprise yourself!
So if you're feeling more like a zonked zebra than a bouncing Tigger, treat yourself to a 5-minute "exercise break" - walk around the office (or go and see your colleague in person rather than email them!), pop out to the corner shop on an errand, try balancing on tiptoes while waiting for the kettle to boil for your next cuppa, or have a mad dance around the living room - with or without music! Have fun :-)